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Nat Commun:三种干细胞制造技术被证安全
发布时间:2016/02/23 信息来源:查看

Nat Commun:三种干细胞制造技术被证安全

2016年2月22日/生物谷BIOON/--在一项新的研究中,来自美国斯克里普斯研究所(The Scripps Research Institute, TSRI)和克雷格文特尔研究所(J. Craig Venter Institute, JCVI)等多家机构的研究人员证实制造临床使用的多能干细胞的方法不可能将致癌基因突变传递给患者。相关研究结果于2016年2月19日发表在Nature Communications期刊上,论文标题为“Whole-genome mutational burden analysis of three pluripotency induction methods”。这项研究是评估快速发展中的干细胞疗法对病人安全性的重要一步。


与JCVI 人类生物学部门主任Nicholas J. Schork 教授一起领导这项新研究的TSRI发育神经生物学教授Jeanne Loring说,“我们想知道对细胞进行重编程是否让它们容易发生突变。答案是‘不’。”






Loring说,“我们需要继续开发这些用于临床的细胞。我们推荐的质量控制就是在植入人体之前,使用基因组方法彻底了解这些细胞的特征。”(生物谷 Bioon.com)

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Whole-genome mutational burden analysis of three pluripotency induction methods

Kunal Bhutani,Kristopher L. Nazor,Roy Williams,Ha Tran,Heng Dai,?eljko D?akula, Edward H. Cho,Andy W. C. Pang,Mahendra Rao, Han Cao,Nicholas J. Schork & Jeanne F. Loring

There is concern that the stresses of inducing pluripotency may lead to deleterious DNA mutations in induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines, which would compromise their use for cell therapies. Here we report comparative genomic analysis of nine isogenic iPSC lines generated using three reprogramming methods: integrating retroviral vectors, non-integrating Sendai virus and synthetic mRNAs. We used whole-genome sequencing and de novo genome mapping to identify single-nucleotide variants, insertions and deletions, and structural variants. Our results show a moderate number of variants in the iPSCs that were not evident in the parental fibroblasts, which may result from reprogramming. There were only small differences in the total numbers and types of variants among different reprogramming methods. Most importantly, a thorough genomic analysis showed that the variants were generally benign. We conclude that the process of reprogramming is unlikely to introduce variants that would make the cells inappropriate for therapy.

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